Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bail Out

So Ashleigh has taken a lot of slack for not posting anything for two months now. As her husband I will do my best to bail her out and put up a little something to quiet the masses.

We are loving life now that Dal and Chelsea moved to the AZ and brought their cute kids with them. We both love being Aunt/Uncle and have been hanging out with the Eltings quite a bit since they arrived a few weeks ago. We had forgotten how much fun we have with them.

Ashleigh and I both love being self-employed and the freedom that accompanies it. It has been difficult during this recession, but we are finally seeing some real pay-off for the time/effort/risks we have put into it. There are several very exciting opportunities that we are beginning to undertake that we are anxious to see develop.

I am not much for blogging/talking about my life, so hopefully this will satisfy the curious minds of family and friends who follow our blog for at least a little while.