Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fridge Fun

I don't like to cook.


Anyway, Joe is pretty good about making sure we stay fed. It is coming to the end of the semester though and the man has been doing a lot of studying lately. So one night we opened the fridge to make dinner and saw this!

Don't worry Mom. We did have full cupboards.

For you who cook for more than two, an empty fridge is probably something you have not seen in a while. It kind'of creeped up on us, but was pretty funny once we realized what we were down to.

We went grocery shopping that night.


connie said...

i am starting to worry
pilates and then no food..?
funny girl

Unknown said...

I got to your blog from Chelsea and I'm so happy to see you. I wonder how you are all the time, especially when I run into your brother buying shoes. How are you?

I have a picture of my near empty fridge on my blog, but it's not this bad!

Where are you living? My husband is form Gilbert.

Laurel said...

I don't think my fridge ever has looked like that!