Sunday, July 27, 2008

Attack of the Cockroaches!!!

Ok, cockroach. Singular. But still yucky.

I was starting to sit down for church when the lady behind me said "Just to warn you that that is the roach isle."


She pointed to the floor and sure'nuff there was a large, brown cockroach perched under my chair waiting for me to sit down so that it could attack my feet! It'd probably claw me with its little spear legs! Needless to say, I not so calmly walked around the back of the room to the non roach side. I remained calm except for a jump when I saw the brown, shiny horror skittering to the next isle. Yuck.

Joe said once sunday school was out and all the women had left that a couple 12 year old boys grabbed the roach with a piece of paper and proceeded to show everyone the squirming specimen before taking it out. 

Leave it to the Deacons.


Sarah said...

oh yuck! and in church! doesn't the roach know he's not welcome??

Unknown said...

We have roaches in the nursery closet of our building. G-ROSS!

Sarah M Eden said...

PS, a really good way to deal with roaches is to put a towel over your head and attempt to catch it with a large bowl while screaming. I happen to know that is a GREAT method!

Janice said...

I surprised you didn't pick it and escort it to the front of the room for a better view :-)

connie said...

lesson here... keep the scouts near by. Isnt there some hero-ic merit badge for roach ropin?

morg.johnson said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Cockroaches in church is a new one on me even after all of the exotic places I have gone to church. I am surprised it was not you with the kleenex and roach display.

Joe and Ash said...

Hahaha! I think it is funny that people are suprised I didn't name the thing and give it a new home :) I guess I have wussed up now that I have a big, strong husbend to kill things for me.